Yesterday, monday 7 march, I attended a conference in Milan, organized by Lattanzio & Associati (an italian consulting firm specalised in the Public Administration sector and New Public Management issues).
It was focused on the topic of Advertising for italian local institutions and its management, that has to be seen as an opportunity and not as a “burden”.
After the introduction by Ezio Lattanzio, Partner of the Professional consulting firm, the respective managers of the two major municipalities of Italy: Rome and Milan (Dr.ssa. Marinelli and Dr. Ricci), have been showing the overall situation regarding probems and opportunities that they, as persons in charge, and their staff had to face and manage. It has been hinted to the so called PGI (acronym that stands for General Plan relating to the Advertising facilities), as well as to the recently issued new local regulation.
Has followed the intervention of the Mayor of Rho municipality, Dr.ssa Pessina, who has shown the situation as regards to the area falling under her jurisdiction, in the set of the new scenary offered by the new built “
Polo fieristico di Rho-Pero” and of new challenges they had to face in this field as an effect of the new Milan fair, as well as of the opportunities offered by the Europe’s bigger fair facility, conceived and designed by architect Fucksas.
After the intervention of some other local authorities and persons in charge of managing the local advertising sector, the morning phase of the conference closed with an interesting case of marketing applied by a local institution; the Project "brand of Venice", that has been shown by the person in charge himself: Dr. Madricardo. This case has differentiated with respect to the previous ones, (which based mainly on an analysis of the situation and action undertaken in the administrative set of rules), configuring as a “proactive”, marketing oriented, scheme, aimed at collecting valuable sources of income for the municipality of Venice, thanks to the spread of the recently conceived brand “
marchio di Venezia”. The brand can rely on the global notoriety and prestige of the city of Venice, represented by the well known winged lion, re-designed
ad hoc.
Useless to note the prevailing marketing issues and orientation of this latter action, configuring a remarkable example for Italy local institutions of art cities, already set up in the past by some other important cities in the world, but never forgetting not to impact on the fragile frame of a unique city as Venice is.
The overall conference has been coordinated by Maurilio Sartor, member of Lattanzio & Associati.
The afternoon phase of the conference has been devoted to a round table where took part some managers of important italian local institutions, which has set up a benchmarking on the topics of how are managed the sources coming from advertising; the Rules on the topic of advertising and the above mentioned PGI.
The last stage has regarded the initiatives of change and how to implement them: here is taking over the role of the professional consultant.
For more about the Consulting firm Lattanzio & Associati:
Lattanzio & Associati
Managing advertising in italian local institutions: an opportunity and not a burden